A child plants a seed

A child plants a seed
in a paper cup -- willful
nature spirits leave.
-sek, July 2007

Edited from--
A child plants a seed
in a paper cup -- willful
nature spirits gone.
-sek, June 2007


Working on code

Every time I change something here,
it breaks something there.
Working on code.
-sek, June 2007


Cold as stones

The things that you own
are as cold as stones
--a pebble found upon the beach.
-sek, 2007

After a song lyric I have been working on for some time.


Delight in fireflies

I wrote a haiku inspired by a photo by Ray Kinnane that I saw posted to dpreview forums.

A simpleton's
delight in fireflies flight
--every child a true artist.

I wanted to express the haughty intellectual's view that enjoying fireflies is like being fascinated by shiny objects and then turn the tables on them. To show if we looked at fireflies they way children do, we would understand the importance of looking, and the origins of true art. And as long as we are human, there is nothing wrong with being human, and that includes our arbitrary, fixed response, unconsidered feelings.
